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The simple, irrefutable fact, is this: Sugar is a healthy part of a diet. Carbohydrates, including sugar, are the preferred sources of the body’s fuel for brain power, muscle energy and every natural process that goes on in every functioning cell. Sugar is more than a “fun” food ingredient, it’s an essential one as well. Because it’s all-natural, you can consume it with confidence. As Nature’s preferred sweetener, sugar is present not only in nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables, but is also a key component, in foods as diverse as whole grain breads and cereals, yogurts and tomato sauces.


The five largest producers of sugar in 2011 were Brazil, India, the European Union, China and Thailand. At present, Brazil is currently the largest, sugar producing nation in the world, Brazil exported 17.7 million tons of sugar to other nations, which comprises almost. 40% of the sugar traded in the world that year. That, fluctuations of sugar production in Brazil alone can affect, world sugar prices substantially.

But what does ICUMSA 45 actually mean?

ICUMSA – is ail acronym for the – International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis. It is a world-wide body which brings together the activities of the National Committees for Sugar Analysis in more than thirty member countries. ICUMSA is the only international organization concerned solely with analytical methods for the sugar industry. The ICUMSA ratings method allow s a meaningful and accurate description of the product which can be easily understood by interested parties no matter where they come from